Focus and Scope

Journal of Informatics and Computer (JICOMP) publishes four issues per year (March, June, September, and December). The aim of JICOMP is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of informatics and computer science from authors world-wide. Its scope encompasses informatics and computer science, which covers, but not limited to, the following scope:

Computer Network: Computer and communication networks: planning, implementation, operation and management of a communications network; Computer control systems design; Micro-controller applications, designs, programming and integration; Microprocessor, Network and systems security: mechanisms and techniques for the security and privacy of information in the media and systems that transport and process it; Network communication theory, test, design, and applications; Network implementation and administration; Operating systems; Project Management; Real-time control networks; Software development and applications; Systems management: design, installation and management of different types of services and systems, hardware and software technologies; etc.

Computer Science and Information System: Analog computing; Approximate computing; Databases, Big data; Bioinformatics; Blockchain; Business process; Case studies and experimental and theoretical evaluations; Cloud computing (runtime systems, parallel and distributed systems, virtualization, and software-hardware interactions); Cognitive systems; Computational theory and mathematics; Computer architecture; Computer components and interconnection networks; Computer graphics and computer-aided design; Computer network security; Computer networks and communications; Computer organizations and architectures (multicores, accelerators, application-specific, processing-in-memory, near-data processing, and datacenters); Computer science applications; Computer security; Computer vision; Data mining; Data and knowledge level modelling; Dependable computing; Distributed computing system; Edge computing; High performance computing; Human-computer interaction; Human-machine interface; Information management practices; Information retrieval; Information search engine; Internet service architectures; Internet trust and privacy; IT governance; Knowledge based management system; Knowledge discovery in data; Mobile processing; Multimedia security; Networking technology; New and important applications and trends; Next generation media; Next network generation; Operating systems; Parallel and distributed computer; Performance modelling; Performance, fault tolerance, reliability, security, and testability; Pervasive computing; Programming (programming methodology and paradigm); Quantum computing; Neuromorphic computing; Software developments; Software engineering (software: lifecycle, management, engineering process, engineering tools and methods); Software systems; Specification, design, prototyping, and testing methods and tools; Stochastic systems; Virtual/augmented reality; etc.

Machine Learning, AI and Soft Computing: Agent systems; Ant algorithm; Ant colony optimization; Approximate reasoning; Artificial intelligence; Artificial neural networks; Automated reasoning; Bayesian network; Bayesian statistics; Biologically inspired computing; Brain emotional learning; Business intelligence; Chaos theory; Chaotic systems; Cognitive science; Complex systems theory; Computational creativity; Decision support system; Deep learning; Differential evolution; Early cybernetics and brain simulation; Evolutionary algorithms; Evolutionary computing; Expert system; Functional approximation; Fuzzy logic; Fuzzy set theory; Fuzzy systems; Genetic algorithm; Genetic programming; Hidden Markov model; Hybrid neural network; Intelligent controller; Intelligent system; Kalman filter; Machine intelligence; Machine learning techniques; Metaheuristic; Natural intelligence; Natural language processing (NLP); Nouvelle AI; Neural net systems; Neural science; Neural systems; Particle swarm optimization; Perceptron; Probabilistic models; Randomized search; Recurrent neural network; Regression trees; Superintelligence; Support vector machines; Symbolic AI; Swarm intelligence; etc.

Signal, Image and Video Processing: Biomedical imaging and image processing; Biometrics; Compression; Data processing; Detection and estimation; Digital signal & data processing; Digital signal processing; Earth resources signal processing; Emotion detection; Environmental signal processing; Facial recognition systems; Feature extraction; Filtering; Forensic voice comparison; Genomic signal processing; Geophysical and astrophysical signal processing; Handwriting recognition; Image and video compression: scalability, interactivity, international; Image processing: statistical inverse problems, motion estimation; Image processing; Industrial applications; Medical imaging equipment and techniques; Multi-dimensional signal processing; New applications; Emotion and mental state recognition from speech; Optical signal processing; Pattern recognition; Radar signal processing; Remote sensing; Segmentation; Seismic signal processing; Signal processing systems; Signal processing technology; Signal theory; Sonar signal processing; Spectral analysis; Speech and audio coding; Speech and speaker recognition; Speech based emotion recognition; Speech enhancement; Speech modelling and feature extraction; Speech processing, signal processing for audio; Statistical and multidimensional signal processing; Stochastic processes; Video processing; Visual and performance arts; etc.

Internet of Things (IoT): Applications of the IoT; Authentication and access control in IoT; Channel and traffic models; Circuit and system design for secure smart objects in the IoT; Circuit and system design for smart objects in the IoT; Communication systems and network architectures for the IoT; Computation, storage, and network virtualization in Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC); Emerging IoT business models and process changes; Energy efficient designs of architecture and device in IoT; Ethics and legal considerations in IoT; Experience reports from the introduction and operation of networked things in areas such as healthcare, logistics & transport; Green by IoT/Green of IoT Technology; Identification and biometrics in IoT; IoT access network technologies and capillary networks; IoT architectures and system such as things-centric, data-centric, service-centric architecture, CPS and SCADA platforms, future Internet design for IoT, cloud-based IoT, and system security and manageability; IoT enabling technologies such as sensors, radio frequency identification, low power and energy harvesting, sensor networks, machine-type communication, resource-constrained networks, real-time systems, IoT data analytics, in situ processing, and embedded software; IoT networking and communication, infrastructure and security; IoT protocols; IoT secure access network technologies and capillary networks; IoT secure network infrastructure; IoT security protocols; IoT services, applications, standards, and test-beds such as streaming data management and mining platforms, service middleware, open service platform, semantic service management, security and privacy-preserving protocols, design examples of smart services and applications, and IoT application support; Liability and policy enforcement in IoT; Methods for IoT security analysis and audit; Methods for secure by design IoT; Modeling, analysis, and optimization of MCC and IoT; Novel architecture designs and evaluations of MCC and IoT; Novel mobile cloud applications and services for IoT; Privacy and anonymization techniques in IoT; Privacy in applications of the IoT; Quality of Service (QoS) of MCC and IoT; Secure cloud of things; Secure spectrum management for M2M/IoT radio communications; Security of Big data in IoT; Security, privacy, and reliability issues of MCC and IoT; Spectrum management for M2M/IoT radio communications; Trends and challenges of MCC and IoT; etc.